Volume XIV, Issue 09, September/2023

  1. NO DATA
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  1. ग्रामीण एवं शहरी क्षेत्र के शासकीय विद्यालयों में कक्षा 42वीं के छात्र-छात्राओं के आत्म-विश्वास का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
    शोधार्थी, रेणुका शर्मा देव संस्कृति विश्वविद्यालय, निर्देशक डॉ. रवीन्द्र भेंडे, (पी. एच.डी. गाईड) देव संस्कृति विश्वविद्यालय; ग्राम – सांकरा (कुम्हारी) जिला – दुर्ग (छ.ग.)
    Page No:30-48
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01251
  1. सरकारी एवं िनजी िव᳒ालय मᱶ अ᭟यापनरत मिहला िशिᭃकाᲐ कᳱ मानिसक ᭭वा᭭᭝य का तुलना᭜मक अ᭟ययन
    शᮢघु न भोई, सहायक ᮧा᭟यापक; ᮕेिसयस कॉलेज ऑफ एजुके शन, बेलभाटा, अभनपुर, रायपुर (छ.ग.)
    Page No:49-57
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01252
  1. GeoGebra software and achievement in Mathematics of High School students of Raipur District
    Nitin Kumar Talokar and Prof. (Dr.) Parvinder Hanspal; MATS University, Arang, Raipur, (C.G.)
    Page No:58-65
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01253
  1. A Kinetic Study of the Solvent Effect of Water-DMF Reaction Media on the Food Additive Efficiency of the Hydrolysis Products of Valerate Ester
    Prem Chand Kumar Sinha; H. D. Jain College, Ara
    R. T. Singh; V. K. S. University, Ara
    Page No:66-74
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01254
  1. Studies on the comparative strength of self-compacting concrete (SCC) by preventing steel fibers from entering the mixture
    Dulam.Chiranjeevi1|V.Bhavani2|B.Navya sri3|C.Ashok; Brilliant Grammar School Educational Society’s Group of Institutions-Integrated Campus, Hyderabad, TS.
    Page No:75-82
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01255
  2. A Review of the Use of Nanosilica and Silica Fume in Cement and Concrete
    J.Venkanna1|Y.Nagaraju2|C.Mahesh3|G.Sai reddy; Brilliant Grammar School Educational Society’s Group of Institutions-Integrated Campus, Hyderabad, TS.
    Page No:83-90
    DOI:10.0001865.Aut Aut.2023.V14I09.463782.01256